Changed Prayer Life
My prayer life has changed. I used to pray for God to work in a persons life, or for God to help someone see how a certain activity was harmful or maybe sinful. I wanted God to do it by Himself, rarely if ever was I involved. Oh sure I was the one praying, but God and God alone was the one acting.
I don’t pray that way anymore because I believe the fullness of God is in Jesus and Jesus is in me and I am an ambassador for God’s kingdom possessing the mind of Christ which God has given me in His Spirit to know His spiritual truths and He has made me into a new person that is holy, blameless, and righteous standing before Him without a single fault having been raised from the dead and seated with Jesus at the right hand of the Father and receiving not only the desire to obey Him, but the power to please Him with the peace of Jesus ruling in my heart along with His words in all their richness making me wise so that I can speak as a representative of the Lord Jesus.
I’ve moved from, God do this for me, to God do this through me.
i just heard a guy tonight ...
he was sitting in a meeting where His faith was being opressed. He prayed "God, speak through me." And God did. The man said he couldn't have possibly come up with the words, but God spoke through Him.
In contrast a dear friend was told over and over again: we pray to God and he speaks to us through the Bible, which of course is true, but is that the only way?
I think not.
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